Turkish Australia Culture House Inc.’s 2013 Annual General Meeting was held at Cannington Leisureplex 233 Sevenoaks St Cannington WA on the 27th of July 2013. The AGM agenda included a report by the President and Treasurer, the election of the management committee and discussions of activities for the next year. We would like to thank all persons attending the AGM and will continue to provide support and cultural activities for our community. TACH Management Committee for 2013/14: President : Nihal Iscel Vice President: Erkan Cihanger Treasurer: Karen Gilchrist Yesertener Secretary: Sevinc Akdeniz Management Committee Member: Beyhan Cortis Management Committee Member: Pinar Demir Management Committee Member: Zeliha Iscel Management Committee Member: Vesile Yilmaz Management Committee Member: Kemal Yilmaz Management Committee Member: Yalcin Mercankosk Management Committee Member: Ertan Barkman Management Committee Member: Ozgur Tasyurek Management Committee Member: Filiz Mercankosk
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