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Turkish Saturday School for Children in 2016

Turk Avustralya Kultur Evi 5-11 yas arasi cocuklar icin 7 Mayis 2016'da Perth'te duzenleyecegi Cumartesi Turkce okulunu ilginize sunar. Okul Cumartesi gunleri sabah saat 10 - 12 arasinda olup 8 hafta devam edecek ve dersliklerin yeri yakin bir tarihte kesinlestirilecektir. Kayit ucreti donemlik her ailenin ilk cocugu icin 75$, daha sonraki cocuklar icin 50$'dir. Okul baslamadan bir hafta once ailelerin TACH yonetimi ile tanisma ve beklentilerini dile getirmeleri amaciyla Sabah Cayi etkinligi olacaktir. Minimum kayit sayisi gecerlidir. Ilgilenenlerin ya da daha fazla bilgi almak isteyenlerin ya da e-posta adresleri ile irtibata gecmeleri rica olunur.

Enrolments are now open for Turkish Saturday School for Children aged 5 - 11 to start on the 7th of May 2016 in Perth, Western Australia. The school will be held on Saturdays 10am to 12pm and will run for 8 weeks. Venue is to be confirmed. The cost of the school is $75 per term for the first child in the family, and $50 for each child thereafter in the same family. There will be an Open Day morning tea one week before school starts, for parents to meet and discuss your expectations with TACH Management. Minimum enrolment numbers apply. To register your interest or for more details or the enrolment form, please or

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