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Turkish Folk Dance Classes Starting 7th May

The Turkish Australian Culture House Inc. is pleased to announce that Turkish Folk Dance classes will be starting on Saturday the 7th of May. TACH's Turkish Folk Dance classes aim to be social, fun and increase the fitness of participants. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to experienced dancers, and are run with the long term goal of participating in voluntary performances at cultural events, Term one classes will start on the 7th of May 2016, 10.30am - 12pm and run every Saturday for 8 weeks in the under cover area at Como Primary School, 29 Thelma Street, Como, Western Australia. Our instructor is Tamer Dincer with assistance from Tuna Dincer. The classes are free however a gold coin donation each week will help us to cover venue hire costs. If you will be attending please register by emailing


Turk Avustralya Kultur Evi Turk Halk Oyunlari derslerinin 7 Mayis Cumartesi gunu baslayacak olmasini duyurmaktan mutluluk duyar.

TACH Turk Halk Oyunlari dersleri sosyal, eglenceli ve katilimcilarin zindeligini artiran bir ortam olusturmaktir. Baslangic seviyesinden deneyimli olanlara kadar her seviyeden katilimci davetlidir ve derslerin uzun vadede ki amaci ileride gerceklesecek kulturel aktivitelerde yer almaktir.

Ilk donem dersleri 7 Mayistan itibaren her Cumartesi saat 10:30 – 12:00 arasinda Como ilk okulunun kapali alaninda gerceklesecektir (29 Thelma Street, Como, Western Australia). Ogretmenimiz Tamer Dincer ve yardimcisi Tuna Dincer’dir.

Dersler ucretsizdir ama yapacaginiz ufak bagislar yer kirasini karsilamamizda bize yardimci olacaktir. Ilgilenen ve katilmak isteyenlerin adresine e-posta yoluyla kayit yaptirmalari rica olunur.

Turk Halk Oyunlari hareketli ve neseli bir dans cesidi olup, cok cesitliligi ve kiyafetleriyle Turkiye’nin kulturel yapisindaki zenginligi temsil eder. Ilk donemki derslerde katilimcilar Uskup, Artvin ve Elazig yorelerinin oyunlarini oynayacaklardir.

Asagida verilen baglantilardan Uskup dansini izleyebilir ve daha ayrintili bilgiye ulasabilirsiniz.


Turkish Folk Dancing is a lively form of dance with many varieties and costumes reflecting the cultural structures of the various regions of Turkey. For the first term we will be learning dances from the Uskup region, and also some Artvin and Elazig region dances. By following the links below you can watch some videos of Uskup dancing and find out more information about the dances.

Picture: TACH Folk Dancers performing Artvin Region dances at Araluen Botanic Park's Yates Springtime at Araluen Tulip Festival 2014

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