TACH invites you to attend the Annual General Meeting for 2016/17
Date/time: Saturday 3rd September 2016 at 12.30pm
Location: Musical/Art Block, Como Primary School, Thelma Street Como WA
All are welcome, but to be able to vote you must renew your full membership before or on the date of the AGM.
If you wish to nominate yourself for an Executive or Management Committee position, please email Karen.yesertener@iinet.net.au to express your interest, or nominate yourself on the day.
If you are a current full member but cannot attend, please nominate your proxy via email to Karen.yesertener@iinet.net.au
1. Selection of Meeting Chair 2. Selection of Minute Taker 3. Election of Executive and Management Committee members for 2016/17 4. Activities for 2016/17 5. Other Business
Renew your TACH membership now and support the Turkish Community in Western Australia. Benefits include:
Have a say in the activities and management of TACH
Connect with new people and build new friendships
Receive regular updates on activities and events
Discounted tickets for some events and activities
Your support will strengthen TACH and help to achieve the goals of the organisation.
To renew your membership, simply click on the link below to download the form, and email it to: karen.yesertener@iinet.net.au
Payment is $40 for a full member (Voting and Election to Management Committee rights) or $20 for associate member (no voting rights).
Payment can be made via cheque or Electronic Funds Transfer to the following account:
Name: Turkish Australian Culture House Inc. Bank: Commonwealth Bank Branch: 150 St George's Terrace, Perth WA BSB No: 06 6000 Account No: 1017 5188