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Term 4 Turkish Saturday School for Children Starts this Saturday


Updated: Nov 6, 2020

This is a friendly reminder that TACH will be commencing 4th term Turkish language classes for children between the ages of 5-12 years as from this Saturday the 16 October 2016 and every Saturday thereafter from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.

Please remember to bring your children to school on Saturday.

The school will be held on Saturdays 10am to 12pm and will run for 8 weeks at Como Primary School.

The cost of the school is $75 per term for the first child in the family, and $50 for each child thereafter in the same family.

For new enrolments or any enquiries please email to: or or fill your form and pay in first day.

Arkadaslar 5-11 yasi arasinda cocuklarimiz icin TACH'in 4.uncu donem Turkce okulu bu cumartesi 15 Ekim 2016'dan ihtibaren her cumartesi gunleri saat 10:00 ile 12:00 arasinda olacaktir. Cocuklarinizi getirmenizi hatirlatmak isteriz.

Okul Cumartesi gunleri sabah saat 10 - 12 arasinda olup 8 hafta devam edecek ve Como Primary School da olacaktir.

Kayit ucreti donemlik her ailenin ilk cocugu icin 75$, daha sonraki cocuklar icin 50$'dir.

Ilgilenenlerin ya da daha fazla bilgi almak isteyenlerin ya da e-posta adresleri ile irtibata gecmeleri rica olunur. Zamaninda kayit yaptiramamis velilerimiz okulumuzda kayit yaptirabilir.

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