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Breast Cancer Awareness

As you may remember, the Women's Group had Breast Cancer Awareness presentation on 24th of November. Many of us made appointments for mammogram at the end of the presentation. Results of mammograms came negative except for one. Nihal was invited for more mammogram and they found an 8 mm growth which was later diagnosed to be a breast cancer. It is at the beginning stage which may not have been diagnosed a month earlier. Most amazing thing that we planned to have this a month earlier but the presented could not make it. We are very sad about Nihal's diagnosis but feel blessed that the timing of the mammogram was perfect. Nihal's prognosis is very good due to early diagnosis. Nihal will be having the operation soon and we wish her speedy recovery and all the best. We will be there for Nihal as Nihal and whole Iscel Family has been there for all of us. Nihal would like to remind all of us the importance of getting mammogram regularly

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