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Results of the 2021 Annual General Meeting

Dear Members and Friends of TACH,

The Turkish Australia Culture House Inc.’s 2021 Annual General Meeting was held at the South Lake Ottey Family & Neighbourhood Centre on the 28th August 2021.The AGM agenda included a report by the President and Treasurer, the election of the management committee and discussions of activities for the next year. We would like to thank all persons attending the AGM and will continue to provide support and cultural activities for our community.

The Management Committee for 2021 is as follows: President: Ozgur Tasyurek

Vice President: Evren Alacik

Secretary: Karen Yesertener

Treasurer: Hossein Gharravi

Committee Member: Serife King

Committee Member: Ertan Barkman

Committee Member: Fatih Obasi

Committee Member: Sibel Yay

Committee Member: Davut Karaman

Committee Member: Banu Tayurek

Committee Member: Halil Yildirim

Committee Member: Ozcan Cakular

Committee Member: Ufuk Aktas

Committee Member: Oguz Tekatli

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you in the activities of the new year.

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