Turkish folk dance classes are back.
While we have hundreds of Turkish folk dances, most of us can only do "uc ayak" and "gobek havasi". Lets change this together by learning folk dances from all around Turkey. We do have halay, horon, bar, kasik havasi, zegbek, segmen etc. Lets work together to preserve and spread Turkish culture via folk dances.
Folk dance is a great way to keep physically and mentally fit and making new friend. There are dances for all fitness levels.
When: Every Saturday, 10 February – 31 March 10.30am - 12pm
Where: Como Primary School, 29 Thelma Street, Perth, Western Australia, in the Undercover Area
Cost: Free/Gold Coin Donation
For more details and discussion, visit our Facebook Page.
One of the dances we will learn this Saturday is called Done, from Artvin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EliTC2hEC3c